INTEGRITY. EXPERIENCE. PASSION. THAT’S HOW WE FIGHT NURSING HOME ABUSE. The abuse and neglect of our vulnerable adults is unacceptable. We’re here to empower you to hold a long-term care facility accountable.
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Nursing home abuse and neglect are too common in the United States. Many seniors living in care facilities are unable to communicate any abuse, and since many do not have friends or relatives to visit them regularly, countless incidents of abuse go unreported The National Center of Elder Abuse estimates that as many as one to two million seniors over 65 years old have been abused by those who they depend on for their care. With the senior citizen population in the U.S. rapidly growing, the incidence of elder abuse and neglect are expected to increase as well.
Kosieradzki Smith is a nursing home abuse and neglect law firm that helps families harmed by long-term care facilities. Through a strategic discovery process, the firm uncovers critical information about what happened to victims to expose wrongdoers. Using information, Kosieradzki Smith empowers families to honor their loved one by holding the care facility accountable for their harm.
We skillfully uncover information about what happened to victims of nursing home abuse and neglect to expose wrongdoing and empower families to honor their loved one by holding the facility accountable.